Please join me for a fun-filled PINK day at Crop for a Cause on 22 May 2010, raising funds for the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation. Read the posts below for more information. Regards, Becky

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Countdown is on!

Yes, it's nearly here... this time in two weeks the South Canterbury Finance Lounge at the SBS Events Centre will be all prettied up and ready to go!

Number of tickets remaining available for sale? 10. That's right, only 10. If you are thinking about coming, don't leave it too long to get your ticket, you might just miss out! If you want to internet bank your ticket money, just flick me an email and I will sort you out :)

I have had a lot of people ask if they have to stay for the WHOLE day. Of course not, not if you don't want to! Some ladies are going to pop away to watch kids at sport, others are only coming until late afternoon as they have other things on at night to go to. You may come and go as you please.

Whenever you do arrive, you will need to write your name, address, and phone number on the back of your ticket, and pop it in the Spot Prize bucket. Once you have done that, you no longer need to be in the room to win a prize. If your name is drawn out, we'll get your prize to you, no problem!

Right, so here's how the day should pan out:

9.00am - Doors open! Sign in, get seated, make name tag.
9.30am - Welcome/Introduction - meet Rachel, Debbie and Brigitte.
9.55am - Spot Prizes, Round 1

10.00am - Make and Take 1 - Simple Memo Holder (runs for 30 minutes)
10.30am - MORNING TEA

11.00am - Make and Take 2 - Flirty Purse Card (runs for 1 hour)
11.55am - Spot Prizes, Round 2

12.00pm - Free time (crafting/lunch)

1.00pm - Make and Take 3 - Creative Memories (runs for 1 hour)
1.55pm - Spot Prizes, Round 3

2.00pm - Make and Take 4 - Stampin Up! (runs for 1 hour)
2.55pm - Spot Prizes, Round 4

3.30pm - Janie Annear to judge Best Decorated Bra contest, prizes awarded

4.00pm - Make and Take 5 - Hot Chocolate Holder (runs for 1 hour)
4.55pm - Spot Prizes, Round 5

5.00pm - Demo/Talk - Creative Memories StoryBook albums (30 mins)
5.30pm - Free time (crafting/dinner)

7.00pm - Make and Take 6 - Ranger Distress Inks (runs for 1 hour)
7.55pm - Spot Prizes, Round 6

8.00pm - Raffle winners announced, then free time

9.00pm - Time to go home :(

As you can see, each Make and Take will run for 1 hour (with the exception of one very simple one). This gives everyone plenty of time to head over to the Make and Take tables and take part in turn. You may do as many or as few Make and Takes as you like, it's entirely up to you!

Spend the rest of your day creating, talking, eating... Bring along your own crafting supplies (or purchase from some of the fab product available from Embellish It on the day), and get creative!

So that's it from me for now. If you haven't got a ticket, GET ONE! Oh, and don't forget to get those bras decorated over the next two weeks!


  1. yay all sounds like fun - I can't wait got my ticket ages ago and have been counting down!
    Thanks Beck for all your hard work!

  2. We are all looking forward to Saturday our whole card group are making a day of it - To support a cause close to all of our hearts. Good on you Becks for making this event possible.
